
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

ninja saga coin hack

  1. Open Charles Proxy
  2. Open your Ninja Saga application.
  3. Go to the shop and sell any item.
  4. Go to Charles, find and open up the http://app.ninjasaga.com
  5. Expand amf/..
  6. Search for (CharacterDAO.sellitem) – located at most bottom
  7. Right click on it and click repeat advanced.
  8. Set Iteration = 300, Currency = 5 and click ok
  9. It will open a new tab and WAIT UNTIL IT FINISH (expand it and u’ll see it repeat the process “sellitem” until 300x).
  10. Then, go to previous tab, find the last CharacterDAO.Savecharacter and click repeat (to force the server save the process).
  11. Refresh then you will find the gold is updated!

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